Private 1 on 1 online training session

Transform your fitness journey with a private 1 on 1 online training session.
Take your training sessions to another level with our one-on-one training. Our expert trainers will push you to train hard.

Punctuality: Be on time for your scheduled session. If you're late, the session will not be extended, and no refunds or rescheduling will be allowed.
Cancellation and Refunds: Sessions are non-refundable. Once booked, rescheduling or cancellations are not allowed. Choose your time carefully.
Appropriate Attire: While the nature of the session may involve body discussions, you must wear appropriate clothing suitable for a professional fitness consultation.
Respectful Conduct: You must maintain a respectful and professional demeanor throughout the session.
Privacy and Confidentiality: To protect the privacy of the trainer & participant and to avoid any legal consequences, please do not record or share the session in any case.
Technical Readiness: Ensure you have a stable internet connection, a functional device, and a quiet environment to avoid disruptions.
Health Disclosures: Share any medical or fitness conditions with your trainer in advance to ensure a safe and effective session.
No Inappropriate Behavior: Any form of inappropriate or offensive behavior will result in the session being terminated immediately.
Session Limits: Sessions will strictly follow the scheduled time. Overtime is not permitted.
Emergency Protocols: Inform the trainer immediately if you experience discomfort or a medical issue during the session.

Punctuality: Be on time for your scheduled session. If you're late, the session will not be extended, and no refunds or rescheduling will be allowed.
Cancellation and Refunds: Sessions are non-refundable. Once booked, rescheduling or cancellations are not allowed. Choose your time carefully.
Appropriate Attire: While the nature of the session may involve body discussions, you must wear appropriate clothing suitable for a professional fitness consultation.
Respectful Conduct: You must maintain a respectful and professional demeanor throughout the session.
Privacy and Confidentiality: To protect the privacy of the trainer & participant and to avoid any legal consequences, please do not record or share the session in any case.
Technical Readiness: Ensure you have a stable internet connection, a functional device, and a quiet environment to avoid disruptions.
Health Disclosures: Share any medical or fitness conditions with your trainer in advance to ensure a safe and effective session.
No Inappropriate Behavior: Any form of inappropriate or offensive behavior will result in the session being terminated immediately.
Session Limits: Sessions will strictly follow the scheduled time. Overtime is not permitted.
Emergency Protocols: Inform the trainer immediately if you experience discomfort or a medical issue during the session.